My annoying “Be a Voter” email

Below is an email I wrote to 3 friends, about registering to vote and how to request the pieces you’d need. I’m posting it here as an additional way to share and point people to it if needed. I’ll add a few links for non-Arizonans

I was requesting a primary ballot today and recalled that I meant to send you guys an email about registering to vote, candidates, why you should vote, yadda yadda yadda. So here it is!
First: to register to vote, head to Here, just click this link
To register you’ll need your driver’s license, and that’s it! It’ll let you update your residential address as part of that process, and specify a different mail address if you want. You can select a party preference, or mark down “No Party Preference” and be considered one of the “Independents” the news always talks about. (Non-Arizonans: Check out to find out how you can register in your state)

Maybe you’re already registered to vote and you just want to check. Do that here:
Now, I have never actually gone to a polling place to cast my ballot. I am on the permanent early voting by mail list, and you can be too. Head here:
and request your early ballot. If you’re registered as an independent, you can also request a ballot for the party primary elections if you want to vote in those. I believe if you’re registered with a party you will receive that ballot automatically for the primary, but I’d recommend checking to be sure. Primaries are on August 28th, and next general election in November 6th. (Here is some additional info on getting an absentee ballot or voting by mail: )
This may be something you know, but I’ll include it in case you forward this info to someone who doesn’t (or maybe you don’t, and that’s ok too). Primaries are to decide who the party’s candidate will be in the general election. You can only vote in one party’s primary, and then you’ll vote in the general election for whatever candidate you actually want to represent your district.
If you want to learn more about who is running, check out this page:
I also like this site for more info:,_2018 
If you want to vote in the Arizona primaries, you’ve got to register before July 30th. I believe you can request your ballot for a couple more weeks after that, but need to be registered by 7/30.
Feel free to send this post to anyone you think would benefit from the info and links, and include my details if they wanna ask questions. As we get closer to the general I’ll probably post some more info about who and what are on the ballot. Send me questions if you got em, but please consider being a voter! We have a voice in deciding which direction our country goes, and we should use it.

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